Katztudio @Designtori Tampere 4.12.2022

Katztudio @Designtori Tampere 4.12.2022

  • Sunday, December 4, 2022
  • 11:00 AM  5:00 PM
  • Tullikamari (map)

Welcome to meet us and do some Christmas shopping to Design market on Sunday 4th of December, event is open 11-17.

Designtori design markets brings Finnish designers and design companies to Tampere Tullikamari three times a year. The companies are curated to showcase professional, ethical and unique brands each time.

Before you go!

Pinkie has some post for you! By ordering Katztudio newsletter Pinkie’s Post you’ll be the first to know about the best deals and our seasonal giveaways when our new store opens!

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