Dylan and Greta are an artist couple who met in United States. Dylan has been blowing glass since he was 12 year old and has worked with several glass masters of the American studio glass movement. In 2013 they decided to move to Greta’s homeland, Finland, where Katztudio was founded in 2016.

“Glass offers near infinite possibilities as a creative material. From a formless colorless pool of molten potential, there are virtually no limits to what can be created. Often the greatest challenge in working with glass is having the restraint not to overdo it.”

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Katztudio is a small, independent glassblowing studio located in an old factory area in Tampere, Finland.

Katztudio makes unique hand blown glass and organizes glassblowing workshops in their studio at Hiedanrannan Paja. The area has attracted many artists and craftsmen which makes Hiedanrannan Paja interesting to visit.

“We work together as a team, an essential part of the team is our dog Pinkie. She loves to sleep next to our furnace. As our head of “Puplick Relations”, Pinkie manages our newsletter, fetching all the important “pupdates” about upcoming events, webshop drops and workshops straight to your inbox.”

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